essential contact center metrics to track

What Are The Most Important Contact Center Metrics To Track?


15 January 2024

At its core, a contact center is all about customer service. Whether you're handling inbound calls, responding to emails, or engaging with customers via social media, your ultimate goal is to provide exceptional customer experience. But how can you ensure that you're meeting that goal? That's where contact center metrics come in.

Contact center metrics are quantitative measures that help you track the performance of your customer service team. By analyzing these metrics, you can gain insights into your team's strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your operations.

This blog post will explore the most important contact center metrics to track, including average handling time, first-call resolution, customer satisfaction, and more. We'll also explain how measuring these metrics can help improve customer service and the overall performance of your contact center.


1. What are Service Level Metrics?

2. Metrics are important for several reasons


What are Service Level Metrics?

Service Level Metrics are the key performance indicators that measure how efficient customer service teams are handling customer interactions, primarily calls, and chats. These metrics help organizations track their performance against service level agreements (SLAs) and ensure that they are meeting customer expectations.

Measuring the performance of your contact center is critical to identifying areas for improvement and ensuring that your customers receive the best possible service. Here are some of the top contact center metrics to track:

1. First Call Resolution (FCR) or First Contact Resolution - FCR measures the percentage of customer inquiries that are resolved on the first call or contact without the need for follow-up calls, chats, or callbacks. This is a critical metric to track as it directly impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty. Higher FCR rates indicate that your contact center agents are knowledgeable, efficient, and able to provide effective solutions to customer issues. The FCR rate of the contact center for a particular period can be tracked using C-Zentrix's advanced reporting and analytics tools. The platform's disposition-based reports allow managers to monitor FCR rates and identify trends or issues in real-time. Also, C-Zentrix's AI-powered chatbot CZ Bot can assist in resolving simpler customer inquiries on the first contact, leading to improved FCR rates.

2. Average Handle Time (AHT) - AHT measures the average time it takes for a contact center agent to handle a customer inquiry, including hold time, talk time, and after-call work. This metric is important as it directly impacts operational costs and staffing requirements. Lower AHT rates indicate that your agents are efficient and can handle customer inquiries quickly, reducing costs and increasing productivity. With C-Zentrix's integrated CRM / ticketing system, agents can quickly access customer information and previous interactions, reducing AHT rates. The platform's intelligent call routing and skill-based routing ensure that calls are routed to the right queues and the most qualified agents, reducing the need for call transfer, and no hold times and improving AHT rates. Statistics show that the average handle time is about 6 minutes as overall average. 

3. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) - CSAT measures the level of satisfaction that customers have with the service they receive from your contact center. This metric is critical as it directly impacts customer loyalty and retention. Higher CSAT rates indicate that customers are satisfied with the service they receive, leading to increased loyalty and retention. The C-Zentrix platform provides customers with multiple channels to provide feedback, including post-call surveys and post-chat surveys. Using the platform's advanced reporting and analytics tools, managers can track CSAT rates and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, the platform's AI-powered chatbot CZ Bot can assist in resolving customer issues quickly and efficiently and collecting customer feedback.

4. Abandoned Call Rate (ACR) - ACR measures the percentage of calls that are abandoned by customers before they are connected to an agent. This metric is important as it indicates customer frustration and can impact customer satisfaction and loyalty. Lower ACR rates indicate that customers are willing to wait to speak with an agent, leading to improved satisfaction and loyalty. Calls get abandoned for multiple reasons which may include but are not limited to:

a. inefficient IVR workflow
b. insufficient call queues /channels
c. lack of intimation of waiting time or queue position
d. improper skill-based routing

With C-Zentrix's intelligent omni-routing and skill-based routing, calls/chats are routed to the most qualified agents, reducing hold times, and improving ACR rates. Additionally, the platform's advanced reporting and analytics tools allow managers to monitor ACR rates and identify trends or issues.

5. Net Promoter Score (NPS)- Tracking NPS in a contact center is important because it provides insights into the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty. NPS measures how likely a customer is to recommend a product, service, or company to others, on a scale of 0 to 10. It is a simple and effective way to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Here are some reasons why NPS matters in a contact center:

- It helps to identify areas for improvement: By tracking NPS, contact centers can identify areas where they can improve the customer experience. This could be through better training for agents, improving processes, or enhancing technology.
- It helps to measure customer loyalty: A high NPS score indicates that customers are loyal to a company and are likely to continue doing business with them. This is important for the long-term success of a contact center.
- It helps to increase customer retention: Contact centers that focus on improving their NPS scores are likely to see an increase in customer retention. This is because satisfied customers are more likely to continue using a company's products or services.

Metrics are important for several reasons:

They provide a clear and objective way to measure the performance of agents and the overall efficiency of the center. By tracking the metrics discussed above, managers can identify areas where improvements can be made, whether it be through training, process optimization, or changes in technology. This enables them to make data-driven decisions that lead to better outcomes and increased customer loyalty.

Metrics help to foster a culture of accountability among agents. When they are aware of the metrics that are being tracked and the expectations that come with them, they are more likely to take ownership of their work and strive to meet or exceed those targets. This creates a sense of pride and motivation among agents, which can lead to increased productivity and higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Metrics enable contact center managers to benchmark their performance against industry standards and best practices. This allows them to identify areas where they may be falling behind and make the necessary changes to catch up or even surpass their competitors. Also, by tracking trends over time, managers can see whether their efforts to improve are having the desired effect and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Metrics provide a means of demonstrating the value of the contact center to the wider organization. By presenting clear, quantifiable evidence of the center's impact on customer satisfaction, revenue, and other key performance indicators, managers can justify their budgets and make a compelling case for further investment in technology, training, and staffing.

Thus, metrics are essential in a contact center because they provide objective measures of performance, foster accountability and motivation among agents, enable benchmarking against industry standards, and demonstrate the value of the center to the wider organization.

Start optimizing your contact center's performance today! Track these essential metrics and uncover valuable insights to enhance your customer experience. 


So, tracking the right metrics is crucial for any contact center looking to improve its performance and customer satisfaction. By measuring metrics such as first call resolution, average handling time, customer satisfaction, and agent performance, contact center managers can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their operations and identify areas for improvement. By continuously monitoring and optimizing these key metrics, contact centers can ensure they are providing the best possible service to their customers while maximizing their operational efficiency and profitability.


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